Last Updated: 31/01/2022

This website was created by the company “FRIGO STAHL S.A.”, based in Block 54, PO Box 1321, Thessaloniki Industrial Area, GR 570 22, email: and tel: +302310570170, which is also its manager.

The use of ‘’ is governed by these general terms, which the visitor/user is required to read carefully, as the use of the website will be deemed unconditional acceptance. If the visitor/user does not agree with the terms of use hereof, he or she must not use the services and content of the website.

These Terms of Use may be revised and updated at any time and without notice. The visitor/user is requested to periodically review the terms of use of the website, as its continued use will be deemed acceptance of the respective modifications.

Intellectual Property Rights

All content on this website, including, but not limited to, texts, graphics, images, photographs, videos, sounds etc. (hereinafter referred to as “content”) constitute the intellectual property of FRIGO STAHL and is protected as such by applicable national, community and international law.

The content of the website is available to the visitor/user/client for personal use and is subject to change without notice at the FRIGO STAHL’s discretion. In the event the visitor/user wishes to make any other use, prior written authorization by FRIGO STAHL is required.

It is strictly prohibited for all visitors/users/clients of the website to use for commercial purposes, copy, reproduce, republish in any way the content of the website, in violation of these terms.

Should you have any questions or concerns about the right to reproduce any part of the content of this website, as well as about content reproduction authorization applications, the visitor/user may contact us at

The website may, among other things, provide a hyperlink to third party websites that have full control over the content posted on these, and hence the full responsibility for the security of their websites, the legality and validity of their content and services.

Products, services, and third-party content that may appear on the website constitute intellectual and industrial property of third parties, who are responsible for the recovery of all claims, in case other persons’ rights have been violated, such as intellectual and industrial property rights etc., expressly excluding any liability from FRIGO STAHL concerning the content or security of these websites.

Personal Data Protection

FRIGO STAHL may collect and process personal data of visitors/users of the website in accordance with Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection.

Limitation of Liability – Disclaimer

Under any circumstances, including negligence, shall the Company, be liable to you for any kind of harm the visitor/user suffers from while browsing the pages, using services, options and content of the website, which he or she visits on his/her own initiative while being aware of these terms.

Moreover, the Company does not warrant that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors, that all mistakes will be corrected or that all queries will be answered.

Similarly, the Company does not warrant that the website or any other related website or servers through which the content becomes available to the visitor/user is provided without “viruses” or other harmful components. The cost of possible modifications or support services is borne by the visitor/user and by no means by the Company.

Visitor/User Responsibility

The visitor/user of the website shall assume responsibility for any harm caused to them by wrongful or unfair use of the services of this website. For any harm or non-material harm caused by our services, posting, publication or disclosure of any content on the part of a visitor/user, the visitor/user is solely responsible for fixing it.